How do I name and save presets on BigSky?
- Access the Globals Menu on the BigSky by holding down the Value encoder for about two seconds.
- Once in the Globals Menu, use the Value encoder to scroll through the menu options and stop when you see “NAMES”
- Press the Value encoder to set the “NAMES” menu option to ON or SCROLL and then press the Type encoder to exit the Globals Menu.
Naming Presets:
- Dial in your custom patch the way you want it.
- Press but DO NOT HOLD the Value encoder to access the Common Parameters Menu.
- Use theValue encoder to scroll through the Common Parameter Menu options and stop on “NAME”.
- Press the Value encoder once to rename your patch. Use the Value encoder to scroll through characters and the Type encoder to move to the next character in the name.
- Once you are finished renaming your patch, press the Value encoder once to exit the “NAME” menu option.
Note: Your custom name will not be saved unless you save your preset after naming.
Saving Presets:
- Hold the Type encoder down for about two seconds.
- Use the Value knob to scroll through the bank location where you want to save your preset.
- Press down either the A or B footswitch to save to the specific channel you want in that bank. The LED screen should momentarily display “SAVING”. Your patch is now saved.