As many of you already know, we love listening your songs, demos, and sound experiments. Because of that we come across a lot of great videos.
I recently thought it might be fun to go through all of your videos that combine blueSky with synths and keyboards. There were a lot. I didn’t want to overwhelm you so I narrowed it down to 134 videos featuring at least 80+ unique synths. Hear blueSky with Arturia, or hear blueSky with Critter & Guitari, or how about blueSky with every Korg Volca… Bass, Beats, Keys…
There are demos, jams, songs, snippets, and so much more. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. And if you find someone you are digging, make sure to dive deeper into their channel. There are so many more videos I didn’t include because the list would have gotten too long, but that absolutely deserve a listen.
So grab your favorite drink, or maybe a few, cuddle up with your favorite pet, blanket, or synth, and enjoy hours worth of blueSky synthy goodness.