Contest has ended. Winners are announced here. Stay tuned for future giveaways!
What is your view when you’re playing your instrument?
Do you look at your pedalboard? A packed audience? Out a window? The clouds? A wall? A rehearsal space? A sleeping pet? We want to see your view in a photo.
The next time you plug in your guitar or favorite instrument, take a photo of what you see. We want to see your playing and creative space from your perspective. Post it on Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest and hastag it #StrymonView.
We’ll choose two winners who will both get an El Capistan dTape Echo and Tap Favorite combo.
Contest runs until June 2, 2014. Official entry rules are below. Have fun! 🙂
The rules:
- The next time you’re playing your instrument, take a photo of what you see or what you’re looking at.
- Post it on Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest, and tag it with #StrymonView. If you don’t have an account with those places you can email your photo to [email protected].
- Winners will be selected by a panel of judges and will be based on execution of the contest theme.
- That’s it!
The prize:
- There will be two grand prize winners. Each will receive a Strymon El Capistan dTape Echo, Tap Favorite, and a Strymon t-shirt ($363 total value).
The terms:
Join our mailing list
Upcoming contests, giveaways, and new product releases are often announced via our newsletter before anywhere else. Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll let you know what we’re up to! 🙂
68 Responses
I’d love to win this pedal I already have a big sky and timeline but that would be some
More nice real estate taken up on my board!
Best pedals ever!
I have Timeline, and Flint. Love all the Strymon Pedals and I want to own them all.
Good luck to me.
Love this gear!
Hope I win and if I do I will post it on Facebook and promote your products
Please pick me!
I love your products; They are amazing
cant wait to try out this bad boy!!!
Never tried any of your products but they sound intriguing from what demo’s I have heard & seen online.
Amazing Pedals
Must have the delay pedal.
This is the one pedal I’ve been dying to add to my arsenal! Amazing tape delay! Goodluck to whoever eons this !
Strymon…it’s just more essential to play good music
Bluesky is great, I love it !
Done !!
This pedal reminds me of cake, i like cake.
this paddle gets a reel tape sound
Bei pedali mi piacerebbe averne uno gratis
I actually own an el cap and I’m not just saying this to kiss up, but it’s my favorite pedal ever and in my opinion the best pedal ever made. If I was to win I would actually give it away to my friend who is new to playing guitar. In life, we decide we wanna go deeper into things when we love doing them. The el cap would be a key factor to help him get a sound to fall in love with.
Good luck to everyone. Strymon top pedals!!!
I´d love to win
I already have- and LOVE- an El Capistan; in case I win, if Strymon won’t substitute a BlueSky or Flint, the worst thing would be, I’d set up one El Cap for a sweet slapback and some other setting for the “Favorite” call-back, and run it into my current El Cap set to other, longer delays ‘n’ ‘verb, and use one, the other, or both together. ( B^}= Or, MAYBE I’d be nice and give the new El Cap to some deserving soul!
I loved that pedal ever since I tried it out at a buddy’s pedalboard, hope I can get mine!
Great pedals
My El Capistan puts me into another dimension and unleashes my creative energy. Strymon is my mantra and the El Capistan my muse. Pedal genius!
Timeline is awesome. But I need this one.
The Capistan is the Best tape Echo Pedal I’ve tried !!!!!
Great Products!
I own the BigSky and Timeline!
This would add such a great ambient tone
I will like to win El capstan to be with my Timeline and Blue sky on my pedal board , and big thanks to you guys at Strymon for all your good work on those inspiration effect pedal.
I’d love to add one of these to my pedal board!
I already own the Ola pedal and love it so I figure this would be a good way to add to my Strymon collection w/o breaking the bank :0(
Very excited about this contest. Strymon pedals are top on my list and I would love to own one.
Best sound evevr!
as you can see… I have not been able to add an exotics to my collection – would I notice the difference in quality do you think??
I love
this pedal!!!
How cool..!! I’d love to win. I always sign up for these giveaways but never win! I think this pedal is amazing! It would be a dream come true to win.
Amazing pedal! My favorite pedal by far.
Strymon pedals are second to none! I have two Strymon pedals on my board at present. Both of which I use in conjuction with an expression pedal. Unique to Strymon (as far as I know) is that you can assign any on the controls to the expression pedal. That’s very cool and very useful.
I love my Lex Rotary pedal!!
I am a current owner of the Flint and must say I absolutely love it! Just started collecting pedals so I don’t own a pedal board yet but I’ll still try my best to send some creative photos. I must say that the El Capistan is definitely a Dream Pedal for me. It’s unarguably One the best and most versatile Tape Delay pedal, with a pure sound and sleek design. Been a Strymon fan since I saw a friend with the Timeline, and will always be. Wish everybody all the best for the contest!
Wow… i love!
There have been several of these giveaways requiring you to participate in online social media. I would love to enter but refuse to conform to any part of what is intrusive/marketing. I am not giving my rights to privacy away for some million to one shot.
That said I like the Strymon pedals. Rock on!
Hi Soony, we understand that not everyone enjoys social media, so feel free to enter by emailing us your photo ([email protected]). We do request permission to share it if you win, but we will only have it posted on our blog page announcing the winners.
This would facilitate an infinite palette of colours 2 add 2 my music through my guitar.
Love my Blue Sky!
Can one submit more than one photo?
Yes 🙂
My Frogpool
Left Brain Artists
I would love to win it
avery good prize to win
Too Cool, In it..
.. the next time you’re playing your instrument, take a photo of what you see or what you’re looking at and post it ..
“I can see the pure power of noises. It can wake up minds
.. and it might even make people disappear .. well,
at least leaving the Room”
I would use it with pride ! Regards from Slovenia (EU) !
I have a friend that would love this
oh wow, that’s good.
can hear it now
STRYMON pedals makes me a better guitar player. I don´t even dare to step on stage without having at least one of their pedals on my pedalboard 🙂 . It´s just simply magic that happens when you connect your guitar with one of these pedals and that is why I can´t wait what kind of songs and tones the ElCapistan is holding inside. #STRYMONVIEW
Very nice sounding pedals
These pedals would sound gorgeous with a Strymon ! Yah
Need that pedal badly!
LUSH. <3
El Capistan is one of my “Grail” pedals tha will be a staple on my board, when it arrives that is!