There are a number of commonly-held misconceptions about product development and
working at a place like Strymon – most folks assume you’re always playing around with every
product that you make, but that’s not the case at all. Much like recording artists that rarely
listen to their own music after their new record is released, the engineering group just don’t
have the time to plug in every Strymon product and play around very often – they’re always
working on the next thing.
That’s why we all get excited about new stuff as it’s being developed, and with the launch of
the stellar new Brig pedal everyone in the building is buzzing about bucket brigade devices
again! The grit, the warmth, the vibe and evocative personality that BBD technology imparts is
all the rage at Strymon at the moment, so it felt like a good time to talk about Brig a bit, and
reshare the white paper that talks about how bucket brigade chips work and how we
developed our innovative dBucket algorithm. It should give you a good idea on how these
classic circuits work in the real world, and the challenges we had to overcome to be able to
accurately describe that circuit behavior in the digital domain.
Even though it shares lineage with our classic Brigadier pedal, Brig is a new thing entirely. With
three custom voices based upon different bucket brigade circuits, it has a huge sonic palette
that encompasses everything from short slapback all the way to stereo cross-coupled dream
states and everything in between. Not only that, set to the shortest 30ms delay time and with
the modulation knob at noon, it’s one of the best sounding standalone bucket brigade chorus
pedals we’ve heard.
Add in artifact-free tap tempo, footswitchable Infinite mode, USB C, TRS MIDI, Stereo in and
out, 300 presets, our discrete JFET analog front end for great tactile feel and a back-panel
mono-stereo routing switch, and you have a seriously powerful BBD delay workstation in a
small enclosure.
Make sure to check out all the new content available on our YouTube channel to learn just
how special Brig is, and if you’re interested in learning how bucket brigade chips work, check
out the white paper at the link below, and you’ll be an expert.
More in a bit!