We are having our first ever Strymon Social!
Saturday, October 12th, 5pm – 8pm
At the Strymon Headquarters in Westlake Village, California.
Come and join us. We will have tasty tacos, frosty beverages, a raffle to win a Strymon pedal, a limited edition t-shirt for all, an area to check out pedals and jam, and all the Strymon folks will be here to talk music, pedals, physics, whiskey, technology, dogs…
Space is limited!
Our shop is small so unfortunately we can’t fit everyone. If you’d like to come, please send a request to [email protected]. We will confirm if there is still room to join us, and if so will put you on the list and send you the details. We can’t provide transportation, so probably best if you live in the Greater Los Angeles area or Ventura County.
And for those of you that want to join and can’t, we plan on doing more of these in the future!
The Strymon Social has filled up! We will have more in the future. Please join us online at http://tagboard.com/strymonsocial on October 12th.
8 Responses
will this be free?
Hi, Yes this is a free event.
Those are some VERY interesting shiny silver boxes on the top of the Damage Control cabinet…
@AJ – those are some prototypes from several years back. They were fun to put together and work on but they didn’t make it into production. 🙂
Wil you guy ever make something like a “pitchfactor”(sorry, i had to say the word 🙂 I would love to have some octavers and pitch shifters made by you.
Hi Moonspinner, Thanks for the feedback. Will pass along to the team 🙂
Shut up and Take my money Strymon! I have the Mobius, Big Sky, and Timeline. If you put out a pitch type effect like the Pitchfactor I would camp out to pay double for it. I NEED IT!
that’s right!! we need a pitchfactor of some sort!! come on!