If you happen to be one of those Strymon owners who know that their favorite units might have some extra capabilities but can’t remember exactly how to access them, you are NOT alone! Even we Strymon folk sometime forget which knobs do what when we’re accessing Secondary functions…
And maybe you didn’t even know that your pedals might have secret capabilities lurking under the hood in the first place, so learning about those things could unlock all sorts of new sonic possibilities for you.
Either way — we’ve got something that will help!
Our guy Nick was in the same boat — like many of us, he could never quite remember which knob did which thing when accessing the Secondaries, and he could never really remember the specific Power Up sequences for his individual pedals either.
So he did something about it, and came up with an awesome new reference PDF you can use on your desktop machine OR YOUR PHONE that tells you exactly how to access every Secondary and Power Up mode on your Strymon pedal that supports them, without ever needing to crack the manual!
It’s such a huge time-saver that we wanted to share them with you all, so click the link below to download the PDF, and get the information you really need at the gig for every Strymon pedal.
Enjoy and let us know if you find it useful!