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This Week’s Patch: Magneto and Rheyne Music

Welcome to the inaugural post of This Week’s Patch for Magneto, a brand new blog series we’ve created just for you, Magneto fans.

The first patch comes to us from the great state of New Jersey and is the brainchild of ambient and electronic composer Rheyne.

“The story behind this patch came solely from a desire to experiment with the DIP switch setting allowing for CV control over the feedback on/off buttons,” he told us. “I was curious how things would sound with control over both the left and right channels. It was a feature I discovered while reading the manual, and I was happy to discover this was possible to do!”

The alien and trippy sounds of Rheyne and Magneto:

“For this patch, the feedback on/off buttons for heads 1 and 4 are controlled by two channels of a Tempi, set to 1/6 and 1/7 of the master clock. In order for this to work, DIP Switch “S1” on the back of Magneto is set to “on” (it’s off by default). The clock input on Magneto is receiving random gates from an Eloquencer, and the speed input is receiving a random voltage from Stages at 1/4 of the master clock, gradually gliding to each new position every 4-5 seconds.”

“All of the alien vocal growls are coming from the wavefolder output of an Instruo Ts-L into a Make Noise Optomix, then directly into the Magneto’s input. The sine wave in the background is from a second Ts-L which is also providing FM on the first Ts-L, creating much of the formant sounds. The vocal snippets are from a scene in “The Fisher King” loaded into a Morphagene. Reverb on the overall mix is from a BigSky (18sec Great Hall).”

To hear more of Rheyne’s modular synth creations, be sure to check out his YouTube Channel. You can also catch his live and sequenced jams on Bandcamp.

What do you think?

Post a video or clip online playing this patch, and please share by tagging #strymonpatch. Are there other patches that you’d like to see in upcoming blog posts? Let us know what you think. Thanks!

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Picture of October


October Crifasi is musician and writer based in Los Angeles where she lives with two cats, five guitars, and a pet dragon named Scorch. She has written for Acoustic Guitar and Classical Guitar magazines and also runs a guitar program for girls in Los Angeles called Girls Guitar School. When not making or writing about music, October leads a parallel life as a comic book writer and overall nerd.

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